
Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

The Influence of Goals In Motivation

Goals are divided into two:
  • Mastery Goals
  • Performance Goals

Do you know the differences between Mastery and performance goals?

Mastery Goals
Performance Goals
Intrinsic motivation  

Extrinsic motivation  
Focus on the improvement and increasing the learner understanding in doing the task
Focus on learner's ability and competence in comparison to others 
Use learning strategies that promote comprehension

Use learning strategies that promote memorization
Views teacher as a resource
 Views teacher as  judge, rewarder, or punisher
Choose tasks that maximize opportunities for learning and seek out challenges
Choose tasks that maximize opportunities for demonstrating competence and avoid tasks that make them look incompetent 

Achievement Goal Orientation  

Mastery Orientation  
Mastery orientation is the learners create solution-oriented strategies

     Helpless Orientation
              Helpless orientation is the learners focus on the lack of their confidence
    Performance Orientation

                  In performance orientation, the learners focus on the outcomes of the learning rather than the process of the learning.

        Anggraini Indah Permata Sari

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